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PLUG Meeting
November 2022

Abstract corner

The 10 abstracts selected for oral presentations will be uploaded after the PLUG meeting

November 16th, 2022

Accuracy in patients of pulse oximetry (SpO2) with different oximeters - Oxygap study

Blanchet et al.

Airwave oscillometry to assess lung mechanics in non-intubated patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: preliminary report

Ponomarev et al.

Can We Use Protective Lung Ventilation Strategies In Acute Brain Injury Patients?
Preliminary analysis of the BrainVent randomized clinical trial

Beqiri et al.

Clinical and physiological effects of awake prone positioning in severely
hypoxemic COVID-19 patients on high flow oxygen therapy

Pereira et al.

Clinical outcomes and a role for dead space and PEEP in critically ill
mechanically ventilated COVID 19 patients

Baz et al.

Clinical signs of excessive inspiratory efforts in critically ill patients breathing
spontaneously: a pooled individual patient data analysis.

Dalla Corte et al.

Depth of neuromuscular blockade is not related to expiratory transpulmonary pressure and respiratory mechanics, in
moderate to severe ARDS patients. A prospective cohort study.

Barbarot et al.

Effect of head-up during chest compressions on lung ventilation distribution. An EIT pilot study.

Duhem et al.

Electrical Impedance Tomography and automated weaning system: a case report about the amazing combination of technologies and classical respiratory mechanics.

Maugeri et al.

Evaluation of the performances of new generation of heated wire humidifier

Bouchard et al.

Impact of awake prone positioning on inspiratory effort: a physiological study in healthy subjects.

Damiani et al.

Is diaphragmatic ultrasonography useful for detecting asynchrony? Case series.

Nunez Silveira et al.

Magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation to prevent diaphragm dysfunction under mechanical
ventilation (STIMIT ® ): Randomized controlled experimental study

Damiani et al.

Monitoring of heated wire humidifier hygrometric performances with heater plate temperature

Lellouche et al.

Physiologic Effects of High Flow Nasal Cannula Compared to Conventional Oxygen Therapy Postextubation: A Randomized Crossover Study

Basoalto et al.

Safety of initiation of High-Flow Nasal Oxygen outside the ICU in patients with severe COVID-19

Janssen et al.

Successful versus failed transition from controlled mechanical ventilation to assisted mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients: a case-match retrospective study.

Polo Friz et al.

Tracheal pressure monitoring as a surrogate for esophageal pressure during Pressure Support Ventilation: a pilot study

Yaroshetskiy et al.

© 2018 by 2501_albertogoffi


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